Fabstock Livestock Supplements

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Pregnancy and Lactation

Lactation Pasture Mix (LPM) is a loose lick vitamin/mineral supplement, designed to prevent the incidence of metabolic diseases such as pregnancy toxaemia and milk fever in breeding females prior to and after lambing/calving as well as supporting milk production

Balanced levels of Calcium and Magnesium in LPM ensure strong rumen and uterine contractions which, together with a vitamin and mineral package help to support breeding females at a time of high nutritional demand.

Lactation Pasture Mix is also suitable for fattening young stock on winter pastures and grazing cereals.


Salt, Dolomite, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Gypsum, Magnesium Sulphate, Protein Meal, Molasses, Vegetable Oil, Iodine, Selenium, Methionine, Cobalt, Zinc Oxide,Copper, Molybdenite, Bi Carb, Manganese, Potassium and Vitamin A, B1, D3 and E

Recommended consumption rates:

  • Cattle 100 to 200 grams per head per day
  • Sheep 30 to 60 grams per head per day
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Gerald & Lynden Spry

We have been using Fabstock product for several years and have had good results with our breeding herd & young weaner sale bulls. The other plus is the price is very competitive because you have no middle man.